Deadline: 21 February 2025
If you are a female veteran in Texas who has formed your business, you may qualify for the Texas Woman’s University’s (TWU) Veteran Woman Entrepreneur Grant.
- The purpose of this program is to foster greater economic development activity in Texas by encouraging and enabling veteran woman-owned small businesses to undertake new and innovative projects.
Funding Information
- Five – $5,000 grants for a total of $25,000 are available for this round of funding.
What can the funds be used for?
- Purchase of machinery, equipment, or technology
- Addition or acquisition of new inventory or raw materials
- Purchase and installation of fixtures or display units
- Property improvements that will result in additional business
- Marketing or advertising campaigns
- Any other business-related activity that CWE deems is aligned with the stated purpose of this program.
Eligibility Criteria
- Eligible businesses must satisfy all of the following conditions:
- Existing veteran woman-owned businesses (at least 51% directly owned and controlled by one or more veteran women who are U.S. citizens or U.S. permanent residents). The business must be a for-profit corporation, partnership, LLP or LLC, or sole proprietorship. Not-for-profit corporations or similar nonprofit entities are not eligible.
- The business must currently be set up as a legal entity.
- Honorably Discharged, General Discharge under honorable conditions, Active duty in a military transition assistance program (with approved discharge date), Reservist/National Guard.
- If the business or business owner owns the premises from which the business operates, all property taxes must be current.
- All sales, payroll, and other taxes must be current.
- Business must be located and operated within the state of Texas.
- Business owners/partners must not have any felonies or convictions for a crime of dishonesty or breach of trust.
- The business, business owner, and the applicant must not be involved in any pending or current litigation.
- The business, business owner, and applicant are operating with all required permits and licenses and are conforming to all required laws.
Ineligibility Criteria
- TWU faculty/staff (or any immediate family member of the applicants family, including spouse, child, parent), trustee, advisory committee member.
- TWU Students are not eligible to apply.
- Prior grant winners of any CWE grant.
- Applicants who have taken part in any CWE program in the last year including AccelerateHER, TechFW or NTEETC awardees.
- Current consultants with a contract with the CWE.
- Anyone who has served as a judge for any CWE grant program.
For more information, visit Texas Woman’s University.