Deadline: Ongoing
NMICPS Technology Innovation Hub on Autonomous Navigation (TiHAN) Foundation at IIT Hyderabad is currently accepting Startup proposals aimed towards translational technology research and development.
TiHAN Foundation importantly focuses on the research, design, and development of autonomous navigation and data acquisition systems for UAVs, ROVs, etc. With a synergistic industry and academic collaborations, the hub aims at realizing the utilization of autonomous navigation and data acquisition systems. Hence, the hub would like to accept Startup proposals in the following thrust areas or verticals, but not limited to:
- Autonomous and Intelligent Navigation Systems for Ground, Aerial, and Water Surface Vehicles; Applications of Autonomous Navigation Technologies in Agriculture, Infrastructure Monitoring (Power Lines, Constructions, Pipelines, Railway Tracks, etc.), Surveillance (Maritime, Airtime, Terrestrial), and Environmental Monitoring (Air, Water, Industrial Pollutants, etc.).
Focus Areas
- The proposals can focus on the development of one or more technological aspects (provided below) for usage in the afore-mentioned thrust areas:
- AI/ML Frameworks for autonomous navigation and efficient multi-sensory data aggregation using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs), etc.
- IoT and CPS architectures for efficient usage of UAVs, ROVs, etc., in the Indian context.
- Communications and Networking for Autonomous Navigation like DSRC, CV2X, etc.
- Efficient edge computing architectures for multi-sensory information processing
- Robotics related to autonomous systems
- Design for Smart Mobility (aerial/terrestrial)
- Autonomous vehicle swarms and their applications
- Control, Power, and design aspects of UAVs, ROVs, etc.
- Connected unmanned aerial/terrestrial/underwater/underground systems
Funding Information
- The financial aid will be up to 6 lakhs for each accepted proposal.
- Hub is currently seeking proposals for a duration of 12 months from Start-Ups working in these core areas with proven track records.
Eligibility Criteria
- Applicant must be an Indian company registered under the Companies Act or comply with the definition of Start-up as per the latest notification of DIPP.
- Indian company: 51% or more shareholding is with Indian citizen or a person of Indian origin.
- If Applicant is not yet registered as a start-up, they are still allowed to participate but are required to get registered if they get selected for the final grant-in-aid.
- Should have incubated in an incubation center or technology/research park supported by the Central or State Government. A letter from the incubation center or technology/research park should be submitted with the proposal application.
- Note: The applicant would be required to furnish the proof of such registrations and necessary balance sheets with the proposal.
For more information, visit TiHAN-IITH.