Deadline: 5 January 2024
Are you a dynamic and visionary Civil Society Organization (CSO) passionate about driving sustainable development and making a significant impact on hard-to-reach communities? Tadamon is thrilled to announce the launch of the second round of Tadamon Grants!
The IsDB-ISFD NGOs Empowerment for Poverty Reduction Program (Tadamon NGOs Empowerment) is announcing the second call for proposals for local CSOs (Civil Society Organizations) with projects promoting an integrated approach to reach out to hard-to-reach communities in OIC member countries.
The IsDB-ISFD-NGO Empowerment for Poverty Reduction is a partnership program sponsored by The Islamic Solidarity Fund for Development (ISFD), managed by The Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), and implemented by United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and other strategic partners. The aim of the Tadamon NGOs Empowerment is to trial grass root level initiatives that help tackle poverty and social exclusion faced by refugees/IDPs, orphans, women, youth and people with disabilities through education, livelihood income generation, vocational skills, employment and community resilience.
The objectives of the Tadamon NGOs Empowerment are to:
- Contribute to reducing poverty in IsDB’s MCs communities through education and resilience based initiatives;
- Facilitate an empowering collaborative approach to building relationships and undertake cooperative initiatives to reach out to hard-to-reach communities; and
- Showcase and profile the benefits of an integrated approach to improve the socio-economic well-being of hard-to-reach communities
Focus Areas
- Tadamon is looking for civil society organizations, including NGOs and citizen groups, as well as social entrepreneurs and development start-ups, with innovative project proposals that are working in the field of:
- Promoting refugees/IDPs and orphans, women, youth, and people with disabilities
- Basic education
- Vocational training and skills development
- Empowering vulnerable communities through community resilience building (income-generating activities)
- Social exclusion
- Poverty alleviation;
- Climate and Green Energy
- Unemployment
- Building Resilience
Funding Information
- An indicative allocation of $120,000 is anticipated per country.
Eligible Countries
- The call is open to local Civil Society Organizations whose projects will be implemented in the following OIC Member Countries:
- Burkina Faso
- Comoros
- Iraq
- Jordan
- Niger
- Pakistan
- State of Palestine
- Somalia
- Yemen
Eligibility Criteria
- Those eligible to apply are the mapped local CSOs organizations that are members of Tadamon Platform and have a proven track record in delivering development-humanitarian initiatives with a focus on sustainability, inclusiveness, and community resilience:
- Have a valid registration in their respective countries
- Mapped and member must have participated TADAMON Capacity Strengthening Portal
- Are able to demonstrate their achievements to date
- Have a minimum of three years of experience in delivering projects
- Proposal to be innovative, transformative and scabble by bringing a new approach to address critical challenges in one of the areas
- Can demonstrate to have the ability to provide matching funds or co-financing ratio of 1:1 or more
- Can demonstrate a concrete activity plan and budget breakdown for the requested funding
- Contents of the proposals that do not meet the necessary standards of quality will not be selected.
For more information, visit Tadamon.